Farm to School Donor Spotlight: The Crow's Roost
Thank you Crow's Roost for your amazing support of our program! We have such a talented and supportive community! Crow's Roost facebook:...

Farm to School Donor Spotlight: Summit Garden Services, LLC
Thank you, Summit Garden Services, LLC for supporting our Farm to School Program! Be sure to visit their beautiful website! Summit...

Farm to School Donor Spotlight: Slow Food Whidbey
Since the early days of Coupeville Farm to School, Slow Food Whidbey has been such a great supporter or our program! They've been with...

Farm to School Donor Spotlight: Serendipity Catering
Serendipity has earned many kudos for their culinary talents. Coupeville Farm to School is grateful for their support with our own...

Farm to School Donor Spotlight: The Salty Mug
A wonderful supporter of our program, the Salty Mug is a must stop when in town! Take a walk down to the end of the wharf for a treat! ...